Digital radios are the new generation of two-way radios, and they bring many benefits. Instead of transmitting voice through analog waves, digital radios convert voice into data using binary code. This allows the signal to be sent more clearly, with less interference, and over greater distances. Digital signals are discrete, meaning they can carry data that is less affected by background noise and interference.
- Category
- Catégories générales
- Price
- Frequency Bands
- Quad-bandTri-bandUHF & VHF70 cm (UHF)2 Meter (VHF)
- Features
- Front Panel Programming (FPP)Bluetooth Audio & PTTBluetooth ProgrammingCross-band RepeaterCross-band RX/TXColor ScreenDetachable HeadFrequency CopyGPS/APRSMini SizeQuad-standbySupport CHIRPTri-powerQuad-bandUSB ChargingWaterproofAfficher plus
- Availability
- AgriculturePhotographyRacingMedical OfficeSecurity
- Category
- Price
- Features
- Front Panel Programming (FPP)Bluetooth Audio & PTTBluetooth ProgrammingCross-band RepeaterCross-band RX/TXColor ScreenDetachable HeadFrequency CopyGPS/APRSMini SizeQuad-standbySupport CHIRPTri-powerQuad-bandUSB ChargingWaterproofAfficher plus
- PTT Type
- Single PTTDual PTT
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